(a)   The Hicksville Volunteer Fire and Rescue shall have the following officers in order of rank:
      (1)   Fire Chief;
      (2)   Fire Company Junior Officers
         A.   Deputy Chief;
         B.   Assistant Chief;
         C.   Two (2) Captains;
         D.   Two (2) Lieutenants.
      (3)   Rescue Company Junior Officers
         A.   Deputy Chief;
         B.   Assistant Chief.
   (b)   The Fire Chief shall be selected by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council and shall continue in office until removed therefrom as provided for in Ohio R.C. 733.35 through 733.39. The junior officers of the Fire and Rescue Companies shall be appointed by the Chief with the advice and consent of the Mayor.
   (c)   In addition to such listed officers, the Fire Company shall consist of not less than twenty-five (25) nor more than fifty (50)persons.
   (d)   Council shall provide for the employment of such firemen and emergency medical technicians as it deems best and fix their compensation or fix compensation for the services of volunteer firemen and/or emergency medical technicians, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of Council.
   (e)   No person shall receive an appointment to the Fire Company or Rescue Company after the effective date of this section, unless he or she has, not more than sixty (60) days prior to receiving such appointment, received a physical examination given by a licensed physician showing he or she meets the physical requirements necessary to perform the duties of the position to which he or she is to be appointed. The professional fee for such physical examination shall be paid for by Council.
(Ord. 93-01. Passed 2-15-93; Ord. 2012-14. Passed 12-3-12.)
   (f)   The Rescue Company Squad Chief shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council and shall serve for a period of three years. All junior officers of the Rescue Company Squad Chief shall be elected by a majority of the squad members pursuant to the by-laws of the Rescue Company. Such elected officers must also be approved by the Mayor. Each junior officer shall be appointed for a term of three years.
(Ord. 93-21. Passed 12-6-93.)