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   1.   The property owner, agent or occupant of any lot or parcel of land shall keep the trees on his or her property so trimmed that the overhanging branches shall be at least 15 feet above the surface of the street and at least eight feet above the surface of the sidewalk within the right of way so as not to interfere with the street lighting or the free and safe use of the street and sidewalk by the public and shall be kept free of dead limbs and branches, taking into consideration the tree maturity and size.
   2.   The City shall have the authority to trim or remove any tree or shrub or other plant material on private property for non-compliance of this subchapter. This work shall be done at the expense of the property owner and in accordance with the procedures for nuisance abatement in ordinance Chapter 50.
   3.   Diseased or dangerous trees shall be regulated in accordance with Section 151.12 of this chapter.