1. General. The requirements of this section apply to service buildings, recreation buildings and other community service facilities, such as:
A. Management offices, repair shops and storage areas.
B. Sanitary facilities
C. Laundry facilities
D. Indoor recreation areas
2. Required Community Sanitary Facilities. Every park shall be provided with the following emergency sanitary facilities. For each 100 mobile home lots, or fractional part thereof, there shall be one flush toilet and one lavatory for each sex. The building containing such emergency sanitary facilities shall be accessible to all mobile homes.
3. Structural Requirement for Building. All buildings other than mobile homes and their appurtenances shall be constructed in compliance with applicable codes and regulations.
4. Barbecue Pits, Fireplaces, Stoves and Incinerators. Cooking shelters, barbecue pits, fireplaces, wood-burning stoves and incinerators shall be so located, constructed, maintained, and used as to minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance both on the property on which used and on neighboring property. No open fire shall be left unattended. No fuel shall be used and no material burned which emits dense smoke or objectionable odors.