1. Each mobile home stand shall be provided with an approved disconnecting device and over-current protective equipment. The minimum service per mobile home stand outlet shall be according to City specifications and/or the National Electrical Code.
2. Outlet receptacles at each mobile home stand shall be located as close to the center from front to back as possible and not more than 25 feet from the over-current protective devices in the mobile home and a three pole, four-wire grounding type shall be used. Receptacles shall be of weather proof construction and configuration shall be in accordance with Standard for Mobile Homes USAS A119.1 published by United States of America Standards Institute or similar equipment meeting the approval of the Electrical Code.
3. The mobile home shall be connected to the outlet receptacle by an approved type of flexible cable with connectors and a male attachment plug. However, where the calculated load of the mobile home is between 50 and 100 amperes, a second 50-ampere power supply assembly may be installed or an electrical service shall be provided by means of permanently installed conductors.
4. Where the calculated load exceeds 100 amperes or where a permanent feeder is used, the supply shall be by means of a four-wire installation according to City specifications.