12-5-4: EASEMENTS:
   A.   Utilities Easements:
      1.   Easements for public utilities shall be provided for the installation of telephone, gas, electric, cable television and other utilities. In general, an easement of sufficient width shall be required at locations as designated and approved by the village engineer or as requested by the utility companies.
      2.   More specifically, the following guidelines shall be followed:
         a.   Easements for sanitary and storm sewers less than twenty four inches (24") in diameter shall be fifteen feet (15') in width, plus five feet (5') for each additional utility other than a water main. Inclusion of a water main shall require an additional ten feet (10') of easement dedication such that there will be at least ten feet (10') of parallel clearance between any sewer and a water main.
         b.   If sanitary and storm sewers are greater than twenty four inches (24") in diameter, the requirements set forth in this subsection shall apply, and there shall be an additional two feet (2') in width per additional twelve inches (12") in diameter.
         c.   If sanitary and storm sewers are buried greater than fifteen feet (15'), additional easement width may be required.
         d.   Easements for water mains shall be fifteen feet (15') in width, plus five feet (5') for each additional utility other than a sewer. If a sewer is included, the requirements of this subsection shall govern.
         e.   Unless otherwise provided, a minimum ten foot (10') rear easement shall be dedicated for private utilities within all developments zoned residential.
         f.   Unless otherwise provided, a minimum five foot (5') front easement shall be dedicated for private utilities within all developments. The inclusion of public utilities shall require an easement of width as dictated by this subsection.
   B.   Maintenance Easements: Maintenance easements of sufficient width shall be provided around storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water mains, and other similar utilities when these facilities are located outside of the public street right of way. The width of the easement shall be established by working needs. (Ord. 2007-19, 5-21-2007)