A.   Purpose: The purpose of the informal discussion phase, insofar as possible, is to guide and assist the subdivider in his future decisions with a view to avoiding later difficulties and delays. This is an optional forum by which the subdivider may receive early feedback prior to incurring the costs and time of detailed subdivision design and engineering. This is the basic policy stage, during which the subdivider meets with the village board of trustees. In the course of the discussions, the subdivider should make known his tentative drawings for subdividing and development, and may exhibit sketches and drawings, and shall be apprised by the board concerning specific public policies and objectives which the board may have for the area in question. Discussion at this phase shall involve the entire area of ownership and anticipated development.
   B.   Request For Conference; Submission Of Drawings: A preapplication conference may be requested by all subdividers prior to initial plat applications. Subdividers may contact the chair of the economic development committee to arrange a preapplication conference. Subdividers may submit sketches or drawings at this stage with material sufficient to identify the tract and establish the relationship of the proposed development with the surrounding area.
   C.   Processing Request:
      1.   Upon a request for a preapplication conference, the chair of the economic development committee shall schedule the preapplication conference for the next meeting of the economic development committee. All materials will be considered as submitted for informal discussion. Discussions will involve the proposals in compliance with this title, determination of the scope of the proposed subdivision, an outline of the procedures for the recording of plats and general information exchanges.
      2.   No approvals will result from this conference; however, the economic development committee may make recommendations on the scope of the initial plat application by the subdivider, continuity of the proposed street pattern with existing or proposed streets adjacent to the proposed subdivision, and other factors based on peculiarities of the area in which the subdivision is proposed.
   D.   Review: Review of any material submitted by the subdivider during the informal discussion phase shall be made by the economic development committee (a similar review shall be made by the village engineer if requested by the chair of the economic development committee or the village board of trustees). Any sketch or drawing submitted shall be studied with regard to the best principles of land subdividing and development; to lot sizes and proportions; to existing and planned land uses; to topography and drainage; to provisions for recreation areas, public open space, schools, parks and other public facilities; to design and location of streets; and to conformity with the continuity of existing street systems, walkways and related matters.
   E.   Inspection: The economic development committee may make an inspection of the site to determine its relationship to and effect upon major thoroughfares, utility systems, and adjacent land uses (existing and planned) and ascertain the existence of any unusual problems, and shall determine:
      1.   The conformity of the proposed development to existing zoning regulations, official road maps, and municipal development plans and policies.
      2.   The effect of the proposed development upon schools, public open spaces, and other nearby community facilities. (Ord. 2009-99, 8-24-2009)