A.   Budget Officer: The Budget Officer shall be as designated in title 1, chapter 8, article J of this Code.
   B.   Annual Budget:
      1.   Budget Adopted: For such period as this section shall remain in effect, the Village Board of Trustees shall adopt the annual budget as prepared by the Budget Officer in the manner provided in 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/8-2-9.4. Such adoption of an annual budget shall be in lieu of passage of the Appropriation Ordinance as provided for therein.
      2.   Revisions To Budget: It is hereby delegated to the heads of the Village departments, boards or commissions the power to delete, add to, change or create subclasses within object classes previously budgeted to the department, board or commission as provided in this section. Such modifications to the object classes previously budgeted shall be subject to prior approval by the Village Treasurer and the Village Administrator. Any such revision shall be subject to revision or nullification by the Village Board of Trustees as provided in section 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/8-2-9.6. (Ord. 2009-74, 5-18-2009)