A sidewalk constructed within the village shall consist of 6-bag mix reinforced or fibrecrete concrete and shall be a minimum of four feet (4') in width and four inches (4") in depth and shall be located parallel to the property line; provided, however, if there is in existence a structure, building, or tree, in said area said sidewalks shall be installed in a manner which will comply with the requirement of being as parallel to the property line as is feasible; and said sidewalks shall be located one foot (1') outside the property line except in subdivisions where existing sidewalks have been constructed otherwise, in which instance a sidewalk shall conform to such existing sidewalks. On new sidewalk construction a base of three inches (3") of compacted sand or three inches (3") of stone shall be provided. The top surface elevation of the finished sidewalk shall be a minimum of four inches (4") higher than the crown of the adjacent street and the sidewalk grade shall be established by the village building inspector. No concrete sidewalk within the village shall be poured prior to inspection and approval of the subsurface base and formed location by the building inspector. Sidewalks which intersect with street curbing at street intersections shall be of such a design and construction as to make them handicapped accessible. (Ord., 8-16-1993)
   A.   Nonpublic sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the same specifications as public sidewalks set forth in this section, provided, however, that nonpublic sidewalks shall not have any minimum width. (Ord., 12-19-1994)