(A)   The Planning and Zoning Commission created under the terms of this subchapter shall consist of not less than five members appointed by the Board of Trustees President, and subject to approval by majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
   (B)   The term each member shall serve shall be for five years, except when the Planning and Zoning Commission is first appointed, at which time one member shall be appointed for one year, one member for two years, one member for three years, one member for four years, and the final member shall be appointed for five years. Thereafter, appointments of each member shall be for terms of five years so that there will be an overlapping of tenure.
   (C)   A standing member of the Board of Trustees shall be appointed each year to serve on the Planning Commission with compensation equal to the pay of the Planning Board as per the amount set by the Board of Trustees, to act as a non-voting liaison. In the event quorum does not exist, said Trustee shall act as a voting alternate.
(Ord. 45, passed 9-19-1996; Ord. 10.5A, passed 7-11-2000; Ord. 32.02A, passed 9-19-2017)