(A)   In order to receive payment for meeting attendance, members must be physically present or via electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like, within 15 minutes after the opening of the meeting, and remain physically present or via electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like, until adjournment of the meeting. Any variance of this regulation requires a 60% (i.e. three-fifths) vote from the present or through electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like governing body to approve the payment.
   (B)   All members of the Board of Trustees shall be physically present or through electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like (two per quarter for each trustee) for the regular meetings. Special meetings and medical disability of a Trustee or Trustee's immediate family member via electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like, are allowed with no limits.
   (C)   Board of Trustees members attending the meeting through electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like have all the rights and privileges as those physically present at the meeting with the exception of executive sessions. If the Board of Trustees President attends the meeting through electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like the meeting will be chaired by the Vice President or by a Trustee named by the President in the absence of the Vice President. Executive sessions cannot be attended via electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like; however, motions resulting from executive sessions can be voted on via electronic means, teleconference, telephone or the like.
(Ord. 1.005A, passed 11-18-2008; Ord. passed 11-18-2008; Ord. passed 3-15-2022; Ord. passed 10-17-2023)