For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GARBAGE. Vegetable or animal refuse accumulating from kitchens, pantries, dining rooms, restaurants, boarding houses, dwellings, markets, stores and other establishments.
   RUBBISH. Solid and ordinary waste, other than garbage, accumulated by family residents, including glass and broken ware, discarded clothing, trash, tin cans, bottles, papers and tree limbs, grass and weed cuttings properly contained or bundled as described herein.
   RUBBLE. Includes dirt, rocks, ashes, debris resulting from construction, reconstruction or repair of buildings, and other earthen, wooden or metal materials, longer, larger and/or heavier than rubbish. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to preclude a person from removing rubbish and rubble, as herein defined, from his or her premises at the expense of such person; provided, it is done in a neat and sanitary manner.
      (1)   Refuse consisting of wastepaper, broken ware, discarded shoes and clothing, tin cans, bottles, grass cuttings, shrub trimmings, paper boxes and cartons, and floor sweepings from dwelling, business or industrial establishments.
      (2)   The term TRASH shall not include manure, debris from construction or repair work, leaves, trees or tree trimmings, or business or industrial wastes, which in the judgment of the superintendent of the department in charge of refuse removal, or his or her authorized representative, are likely to cause damage to the equipment of the town, injury to employees of the town or are likely, because of the nature, size or weight of the material, to handicap or overburden the collection of trash and garbage of the town.
(Prior Code, § 8-3-3)