(A)   Contracts or agreements. The town is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contracts or agreements with individuals, firms, private corporations or associations, or political subdivisions of the state for fire protection outside the corporate limits of said town, and to contract to provide protection jointly with other organizations and municipal subdivisions of the state.
   (B)   Authority to answer calls. The Fire Department of the town is hereby authorized and directed to answer all outside calls within a distance of 25 miles from the nearest fire station; unless in the opinion of the Fire Chief it is inexpedient to do so on account of another fire in the town, broken apparatus, impassable or dangerous highways, or other physical conditions.
   (C)   Benefits. All firefighters of the Fire Department of the town attending and serving at fires or doing fire prevention work outside the corporate limits of the town, as herein provided, shall be considered as serving in their regular line of duty as fully as if they were serving within the corporate limits of the town, and said firefighter shall be entitled to all the benefits of any Firemen’s Pension and Relief Fund in the same manner as if the firefighting or fire prevention work were being done within the corporate limits of the town.
   (D)   Liability. The Fire Department of the town, answering any fire alarm, or call, or performing any fire prevention services outside the corporate limits of the town, shall be considered as an agent of the state, and acting solely and alone in a governmental capacity, and said municipality shall not be liable in damages for any act of commission, omission or negligence while answering or returning from any fire, or reported fire, or doing any fire prevention work under and by virtue of divisions (A), (B) and (C) of this section.
(Prior Code, § 5-2-20)