(A)   Selection criteria. The Volunteer Fire Department shall be selected upon their ability to meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Their knowledge of firefighting;
      (2)   Their ability to lead; and
      (3)   Their knowledge of firefighting equipment.
   (B)   New members.
      (1)   Probation. All new members shall be on probation for one year after their appointment.
      (2)   Approval. New volunteer members upon completion of their probation period must be approved by the majority of the Fire Department and per state statute.
   (C)   Dues; fees. All dues and fees which are required to be paid for membership in the State and National Firemen’s Association shall be paid by the town upon allowance or duly verified claim filed by the Chief of said Department.
   (D)   Compensation; reimbursement for run time.
      (1)   Resolution of Board. The Board of Trustees shall by motion or resolution establish the compensation to be paid the Chief and all other members of the Fire Department of the town.
      (2)   Payment for service only. Nothing herein shall be construed as entitling any member of the Fire Department to any fees unless actually present at and assisting in the extinguishing of the fire.
   (E)   Benefits. No benefits shall be paid for less than one week.
   (F)   Roster. A roster of members of the town’s Fire Department shall be kept in the office of the Town Clerk and the date of enlistment in company of each member.(Prior Code, § 5-2-7)