(A) Operation and training. The Chief shall be held responsible for the general condition and efficient operation of the Department, the training of members and the performance of all other duties imposed upon him or her.
   (B)   Inspection of water sources. The Chief shall inspect the Department, the fire hydrants, cisterns and other sources of water supply at least twice each year, and more often if required by the Board of Trustees or the department head having charge of said particular department.
   (C)   Library of publications. The Chief shall maintain a library or file of publications on fire prevention and fire protection, and shall make use of it to the best advantage of all members.
   (D)   The Chief shall in a time of distress or civil disorder work with civil defense units in enforcing protection for the inhabitants of the town as may be required.
   (E)   Attendance at fires. The Chief shall make effort to attend all fires and direct the officers and members in the performance of their duties.
   (F)   Citizen information; fire protection. The Chief shall see that citizens are kept informed on fire hazards in the community and on the activities of the Department and make recommendations for the reduction of insurance costs whereby the improvement of fire protection may be promoted.
   (G)   Inventory of equipment.
      (1)   The Fire Chief shall have supervisory control and shall be responsible for all firefighting equipment of every kind or nature, including trucks, ladders, hose, chemicals and the like, and he or she shall account for all such property as may come into his or her hands during his or her term of office.
      (2)   He or she shall make an inventory at the time of taking office and shall receipt his or her predecessor for all property listed in such inventory. At the time of taking the inventory he or she, together with the committee of said Board of Trustees having supervision of the Fire Department, shall make an appraisal of all such property, making proper allowances for depreciation.
      (3)   Before turning over the office to a successor, the Fire Chief shall check the inventory so made and if the same be entered and incorrect, he or she shall relate such facts to the Board of Trustees.
      (4)   The Fire Chief shall take such inventory annually if he or she be reappointed to this office.
   (H)   Authority of Chief and Assistant Chief. The Fire Chief and assistant Fire Chief are hereby given all the authority of police officers of the town in the discharge of their duties and are authorized to make arrest for interference with the operation of said Fire Department, when on active duty.
   (I)   Registration of members. It is the duty of the Chief of said Fire Department to register with the Town Clerk the names of each and every member of the Fire Department, together with a full and complete list of the length of service of said member in the Fire Department heretofore existing.
   (J)   Requests for purchases. When an apparatus or hose or other appliances or supplies are required for the use of said Fire Department, it shall be the duty of the Chief of the said Fire Department to request a purchase order following purchasing protocols.
   (K)   Personnel file. The Fire Chief will keep a personnel file on all department personnel. In this file will be each individual’s training records and any correspondence regarding the individual..
   (L)   Talks on fire prevention. The Fire Chief will be available to give talks to any service organization, school or civic group regarding firefighting and fire prevention.
   (M)   Annual activity reports filed with state. The Chief shall file the appropriate activity report forms with the office of the State Fire Marshal in Oklahoma City on an annual basis. The activity report forms shall be designed by the State Fire Marshal and shall include, but not be limited to, the amount of property and vehicle fire loss, types of fires, inspections and investigations. The report shall include notification of all fire related civilian deaths and injuries in the respective jurisdiction and of firefighter deaths in the line of duty and of firefighter injuries in the line of duty requiring the services of a hospital or physician or both.
(Prior Code, § 5-2-4) (Ord. 288, passed 1-9-1997; Ord. 302, passed 3-22-2001)