(A)   Appointment and qualification.
      (1)   Appointment. The head of the Fire Department, being the Town Administrator, will be the Fire Chief who will be appointed by the Board of Trustees for an indefinite term, and will be removable by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
      (2)   Experience required. No person shall be eligible for the office of Fire Chief who shall not have had the experience required by law or required by the Board of Trustees as an actual firefighter or training sufficient to qualify as such.
   (B)   Benefits. The Fire Chief will be a part-time employee of the town and will be compensated as the Board may provide by resolution. The Fire Chief will be paid as any other firefighter for any on call time or active duty time. The Fire Chief will not be eligible for health insurance or any other benefits provided by the town except retirement as provided all the firefighters through the Oklahoma State Firefighters Pension and Retirement System.
   (C)   Supervision of Department. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have supervision and control of the Fire Department, subject to the supervision and control of the Town Administrator. The Chief may assign duties to other members of the Department.
   (D)   Control at fires. The Chief of the Fire Department or the person acting in his or her absence shall have full power, control and command over all persons present at fires; and he or she shall direct the use of all fire apparatus and equipment, and command all firefighters in the discharge of their duties. He or she shall take such measures as may be necessary in the preservation and protection of property and the extinguishing of fires.
   (E)   Absence of Chief; police aid. The Fire Chief’s duties shall be performed by such officer as may be designated as Assistant Chief in the absence of the Chief and such officer or assistant may call in and require the help of the Police Department if such be necessary.
(Prior Code, § 5-2-3) (Ord. 302, passed 3-22-2001)