The Town Administrator will be an employee at will and serve at the pleasure of the Town Board. The Town Administrator shall be granted the following responsibilities with regard to the remaining departments:
   (A)   Activity supervision. Supervises the activities of all departments performing functions;
   (B)   Budget. Prepares the annual budget and submits such to elected officials for approval;
   (C)   Personnel functions. Performs all personnel functions including, but not limited to:
      (1)   Hiring. Conducts and has responsibility for all phases of the hiring process;
      (2)   Disciplinary action. Conducts and has responsibility for all phases of the disciplinary action process;
      (3)   Promotions. Conducts and has responsibility for promotions of employees and reports all to the Board of Trustees;
      (4)   Performance evaluations. Conducts and has responsibility for department head and administrative staff performance evaluations;
      (5)   Personnel policy and job descriptions. Updates personnel policy manual and job descriptions for all employees; and
      (6)   Other personnel actions. Conducts and has responsibility for all other personnel actions as they occur and are necessary.
   (D)   Purchasing policy. Maintains a purchasing policy for the town as prescribed by Oklahoma Statutes;
   (E)   Development. Plans for future development of urban and nonurban areas to provide for population growth and expansion of public services;
   (F)   Enforcement of laws. Ensures that all laws and ordinances governing the town are enforced;
   (G)   Meetings of Board. Reports to the Board and attends all meetings of the Board with the right to take part in the discussions, but has no vote;
   (H)   Recommendations. Recommends to the Board for adoption such measures as deemed necessary or expedient;
   (I)   Franchises. Sees that all franchise rights and provisions are justly enforced;
   (J)   Investigations. Has powers at any time to investigate the affairs of any department and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees;
   (K)   Safety guidelines. Enforces safety rules and encourages safety application for employees, conforming to the safety guidelines set by the town;
   (L)   Employees and customers. Introduces employee training programs and customer techniques;
   (M)   Coordination with other entities. Works with various federal, regional, state and local entities as needed to promote and benefit the town;
   (N)   Representation of town. Represents the town at various functions, meetings, seminars and conferences and works toward increasing citizen participation in local government;
   (O)   Other duties. Performs other duties as specified by the Board of Trustees; and
   (P)   Utility Administrator. Serves as utility administrator for the town utility authority with the same duties and responsibilities as are set forth above.
(Prior Code, § 1-7C-2) (Ord. 297, passed 7-6-2000)