(A)   Officer. The Town Treasurer shall be an officer of the town.
   (B)   Duties. The Treasurer shall:
      (1)   Accounts and books. Maintain accounts and books to show where and from what source all monies paid to him or her have been derived and to whom and when any monies have been paid;
      (2)   Other powers by law. Have such other powers, duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance;
      (3)   Deposits. Deposit daily funds received for the town in depositories as the Board of Trustees may designate; and
      (4)   Unrelated duties. The person who serves as Town Treasurer may, from time to time, be employed by the town to perform duties not related to such position as Town Treasurer, including, but not limited to, the performance of such duties relating to the maintenance of the books and records and office operations of the town as the Board of Trustees shall prescribe. The person shall be an employee of the town and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.
   (C)   Examination of books and accounts. The Treasurer’s books and accounts shall at all times be subject to examination by the Board of Trustees.
(Prior Code, § 1-7A-3)