(A)   Regulation. The Board of Trustees, by motion, resolution or ordinance, may regulate the number and classes of offices and positions of employment in the various departments, offices and agencies of the town government, and may determine or regulate the compensation to be paid to officers and employees. Compensation not otherwise provided for shall be at the prevailing minimum wage rate.
   (B)   Fees. Neither the Municipal Judge nor any other officer or employee of the town government may receive as compensation any fee of any kind except as may be specifically provided by ordinance passed hereafter; and all fees and other money collected for the town by an officer or employee shall be paid to the town offices to be deposited as provided by law.
   (C)   Compensation set by ordinance. Since the law requires that the compensation of certain officers shall be set by ordinance, the compensation of each of the following shall be as respectively indicated below:
$125 per month
Each Trustee
$75 per month
Town Clerk
$400 per month
Town Treasurer
$300 per month
   (D)   Salary not to change while in office. In no case shall the salary or emoluments of any town officer elected or appointed for a definite term be changed after his or her election or appointment or during his or her term of office unless by operation of an ordinance passed prior to such election or appointment (such being prohibited by the Oklahoma Constitution, Article 23, Section 10); provided that this shall not apply to officers chosen for indefinite terms nor to employees.
(Prior Code, § 1-7-1) (Ord. 278, passed 1-5-1995; Ord. 279, passed 1-5-1995)