(A)   Authority in law. The Mayor and Trustees of the Board of Trustees and their successors in office shall constitute a body politic and corporate, and shall be capable in law to prosecute and defend suits to which they are a party and shall represent the town for any and all purposes.
   (B)   Responsibility and reporting duties for Town Administrator.
      (1)   The Town Administrator is assigned the following responsibilities and shall report directly to the Town Board of Trustees regarding the same:
         (a)   Serve as chief administrative officer not including the responsibilities assigned by the municipal code to the Town Board or Municipal Judge;
         (b)   Hire and appoint all town employees and non-elected town officers; for the good of the service terminate, lay off, suspend, demote and remove any town employee or non-elected town officer except when the Town Board, the town code or state law has delegated this duty to another administrative town employee or town officer;
         (c)   Supervise and control, whether directly or indirectly, all town administrative departments, agencies non-elected officers and employees;
         (d)   Prepare an annual budget for the town prior to each fiscal year and implement the same; make recommendations to modify the budget during the budget year as may be necessary;
         (e)   Provide a written report at the end of each fiscal year summarizing the financial performance and administrative activity of the town during the prior fiscal year; recommend changes of policy or procedure as may be necessary;
         (f)   Advise the Town Board monthly of the current financial condition of the town and identify future needs of the town; and
         (g)   Perform all other duties hereafter assigned to the Town Administrator by the Town Board.
      (2)   Public Works Director position eliminated. The position of Public Works Director is hereby eliminated. All duties previously assigned to the Public Works Director are to be performed by the Town Administrator or his or her delegate.
      (3)   Emergency purchasing limits. The Town Administrator is empowered based on an emergency or urgent need to purchase or contract for goods, services or capital over $5,000 but not to exceed $25,000. Board of Trustees approval shall be obtained in arrears to the time the commitment is made, and such approval shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board of Trustees.
   (C)   Order of business.
      (1)   The order of business at the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be:
         (a)   Call to order;
         (b)   Roll call;
         (c)   Reading of the minutes;
         (d)   Presentation of claims and accounts;
         (e)   Reports of officers;
         (f)   Reports of committees;
         (g)   Hearing of citizens;
         (h)   Unfinished business;
         (i)   Original motions, resolutions, or ordinances;
         (j)   Trustees’ reports; and
         (k)   Adjournment.
      (2)   The order of business at any meeting may be amended by a motion.
   (D)   Quorum. A majority of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
   (E)   Voting. All voting shall be by a roll call of the Trustees by the Town Clerk. All voting shall be by yes, no or abstain, and shall be taken on all questions.
   (F)   Motions. All motions may be reduced to writing and, if desired by the Mayor or any member of the Board, shall be read by the presiding officer or Clerk before a vote is taken on the motion.
   (G)   Parliamentary questions. All parliamentary questions shall be decided by the presiding officer subject to override by a three-fifths vote of the Board.
   (H)   Special committees. Any and all special committees shall be appointed by the presiding officer.
   (I)   Actions by Mayor. The Mayor has the right to engage in debate and to make and second motions.
   (J)   Executive sessions. Executive sessions to discuss personnel shall be placed on the agenda with specific actions to be considered set forth.
   (K)   Agenda. Any item may be placed on the agenda by request of any Board member. No item placed on the agenda shall be discussed in the member’s absence unless by majority vote of all the Board.
(Prior Code, § 1-6-7) (Ord. 288, passed 1-9-1997; Ord. 376, passed 5-13-2019; Ord. 383, passed 8-12-2021)