(A)   Ward 1. The boundary lines of Ward 1 of the town shall be as follows:
      From the Intersection of Oklahoma Avenue and Cheyenne Avenue East along the center line of Oklahoma Avenue and extending said line to the Town Limits, thence North along the Town Limits to the Northeast corner of the Town Limits; and from the Intersection of Oklahoma Avenue and Cheyenne Avenue North along the center line of Cheyenne Avenue and extending said line to the Town Limits, thence East along the Town Limits to the Northeast Corner of the Town Limits, including all property annexed to the Town of Hennessey, being made a part of Ward 1.
   (B)   Ward 2. The boundary lines of Ward 2 of the town shall be as follows:
      From the Intersection of Cheyenne Avenue and First Street West along the center line of First Street and extending said line to the Town Limits, thence North along the Town Limits to the Northwest Corner of the Town Limits; and from the Intersection of Cheyenne Avenue and First Street North along the center line of Cheyenne Avenue and extending said line to the Town Limits, thence West along the Town Limits to the Northwest Corner of the Town Limits, including all property annexed to the Town of Hennessey, Oklahoma, being made a part of Ward 2.
   (C)   Ward 3. The boundary lines of Ward 3 of the town shall be as follows:
      From the Intersection of Oklahoma Avenue and Cheyenne Avenue East along the center line of Oklahoma Avenue and extending said line to the Town limits, thence South following the Town Limits to a point where the Town Limits line intersects with a line created by the extension of the center line of Third Street, thence West along said line formed by extending the center line of Third Street to the Town Limits, thence North along the Town Limits to a point where the Town Limits line intersects with a line created by the extension of the center line of First Street, thence East along said line created by the extension of the center line of First Street to the Intersection of First Street and Cheyenne Avenue, thence North along the center line of Cheyenne Avenue to the Point of beginning, including all property annexed to the Town of Hennessey, Oklahoma, being made a part of Ward 3.
   (D)   Ward 4. The boundary lines of Ward 4 of the town shall be as follows:
      From the Intersection of Third Street and Main Street West along the center line of Third Street and extending said line to the Town Limits, thence South along the Town Limits to the Southwest Corner of the Town Limits; and from the Intersection of Third Street and Main Street South along the center line of Main Street and extending said line to the Town Limits, thence West along the Town Limits to the Southwest Corner of the Town Limits, including all property annexed to the Town of Hennessey, Oklahoma, being made a part of Ward 4.
   (E)   Ward 5. The boundary lines of Ward 5 of the town shall be as follows:
      From the Intersection of Main Street and Third Street East along the center line of Third Street and extending said line to the Town Limits, thence South along the Town Limits to the Southeast Corner of the Town Limits; and from the Intersection of Main Street and Third Street South along the center line of Main Street and extending said line to the Town Limits, thence East along the Town Limits to the Southeast Corner of the Town Limits, including all property annexed to the Town of Hennessey, being made a part of Ward 5, and including particularly Brooks Subdivision, described as follows:
         A part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 7 West, Indian Meridian, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma: Beginning at a point 43 feet East of the Southwest Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 7 West, Indian Meridian, Kingfisher County, Oklahoma; thence East 1,340 feet along the South Line of the Northeast Quarter of the Section 36; thence North 190 feet; thence East 115 feet; Thence North 240 feet; thence West 1,455 feet to the East R/W line of U.S. Highway 81 which is 43 feet East of 1/2 mile line; thence South 430 feet along the East U.S. Highway 81 R/W line to the point of beginning.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-2)