§ 154.330 LOTS.
   (A)   Generally. The lot arrangement shall be such that there will be no foreseeable difficulties for reasons of topography or other conditions in securing a building permit. All lots shall be arranged to comply with the comprehensive plan, the zoning regulations, all drainage ordinances and building codes and all other ordinances of the town, and to provide access from an approach street.
   (B)   Dimensions.
      (1)   Lot dimensions shall comply with the minimum standards of the zoning regulations.
      (2)   Additional requirements shall be as follows.
         (a)   Lots shall have a width, depth and area of not less than that required by the zoning regulations. Lots, tracts or parcels created for a particular commercial or industrial use shall have sufficient area and dimensions to provide for off-street parking and loading facilities as required by the zoning regulations for the type of use and development proposed.
         (b)   Corner lots shall have an extra width that is adequate to permit building setbacks from side streets and front streets.
         (c)   Side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines or radial to curving street lines.
         (d)   Corner lot lines shall be cut with a chord to provide a sight triangle with legs of 25 feet from the point of intersection of the property lines along both property lines. The triangle shall be dedicated to the town and be included in the street right-of-way easement.
   (C)   Lots under one ownership; lots for commercial and industrial uses.
      (1)   Where a block is to be developed and retained under single ownership, it is not required that the block be subdivided into lots; however, the block must meet all requirements of this chapter and other applicable regulations for lots and blocks, including lot sizes and dimensions.
      (2)   All lots proposed for commercial or industrial use shall abut upon a dedicated street and shall be of appropriate size and arrangement to provide for adequate off-street parking and loading facilities based on the intended use.
      (3)   No individual parcel shall be created for a particular commercial or industrial use that has an area, width or depth that is less than is required for the permitted use under the applicable provisions of the zoning regulations.
   (D)   Double frontage and reverse frontage lots.
      (1)   Double frontage and reverse frontage lots shall be avoided, except where they are needed to provide for the separation of residential development from traffic arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation.
      (2)   In all cases, a sight-proof screening shall be provided and shall not be less than six feet in height. The sight-proof screening shall be provided along the rear portion of the lots abutting such a traffic artery.
      (3)   There shall be no right of access to the rear or side portion of any lot abutting such traffic artery.
   (E)   Street access. Low or medium density residential lots shall not derive access from a major street. Lots facing collector streets should be minimized to the fullest extent possible. Where a lot borders a collector street and a local street, access shall be gained from the local street only. If lots have access on local streets, the Planning Commission shall require on the face of the final plat a note limiting access for lots that back or side onto a collector, arterial or other major street. Where driveway access from a major or arterial street may be necessary for several adjoining lots, the Planning Commission may require that such lots be served by a combined access drive in order to limit possible traffic hazards. Driveways should be designed and arranged so that vehicles avoid backing into major or arterial streets. It is encouraged that driveways should be designed and arranged so that vehicles avoid backing into collector streets.
   (F)   Drainage. Lots shall be laid out so that drainage flows away from all buildings. Individual lot drainage shall be coordinated with the general storm drainage pattern for the area. Drainage shall be designed so as to avoid concentration of storm drainage water from each lot to adjacent lots.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)