§ 154.325 STREETS.
   (A)   Arrangement of streets. The arrangement of streets in a subdivision shall, except for cul-de-sacs, connect with streets already dedicated in adjoining subdivisions or provide for future connections to adjoining tracts. Streets shall be arranged so as to cause no undue hardship on the subdivision of adjacent unplatted tracts and the Planning Commission and Town Board of Trustees may require the dedication of street rights-of-way to facilitate the subdivision of such properties. No development approval shall be granted where adequate off-site transportation is not available at the time of development approval or contained within a fully funded capital improvement program or plan.
   (B)   Streets.
      (1)   Collector streets shall be provided for the circulation of traffic through a subdivision and the connection thereof to arterial streets. Adequate local streets shall be provided to accommodate access within the subdivision.
      (2)   Residential streets shall be so laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
      (3)   Street intersections:
         (a)   More than two streets intersecting at a point should be avoided;
         (b)   Where two or more streets converge at one point, or acute intersection angles occur, setback lines or special rounded or cutoff corners, or both, may be required to ensure public safety and to facilitate orderly traffic movements;
         (c)   Streets should intersect at a 90-degree angle, and in no case should the angle be less than 75 degrees; and
         (d)   Streets should have at least a 50-foot tangent section of roadway approaching an intersection.
      (4)   Dead end streets shall not be permitted except where same will be eventually extended in adjacent unplatted areas. Such temporary dead-end streets shall terminate with a turnaround.
      (5)   No street names shall be used which will duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets in the town or neighboring communities. Street names shall the subject to approval by the Planning Commission and Town Board of Trustees and shall be shown on the final plat.
      (6)   Pedestrian walk rights-of-way not less than ten feet wide shall be required where deemed necessary to provide access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation and other community facilities.
   (C)   Minimum right-of-way widths. The minimum right-of-way widths of proposed streets shall be as follows:
Type of Street
Right-of-Way Widths
Freeway or expressway
As required by the State Department of Transportation
Primary arterial
100 feet
Secondary arterial
80 feet
Minor industrial street
70 feet
Residential collector
60 feet
Local streets
50 feet
   (D)   Access.
      (1)   Each lot shall be provided with access to a public street, approved private street or highway.
      (2)   (a)   A shared access easement may be required between adjacent lots fronting on any street section in order to minimize the total number of access points along those streets and to facilitate traffic flow between lots.
         (b)   Said dedication shall be provided on the final plat of the subject properties or be filed by separate instrument and filed with the county.
      (3)   Non-access provisions controlling ingress and egress to streets may be required by the Planning Commission and Town Board of Trustees to assure traffic safety and to relieve congestions at intersections.
      (4)   The minimum distance between access points are as follows:
Type of Street
Minimum Distance Between Access Points
Freeway or expressway
Limited by the State Department of Transportation
Primary arterial
No limits of access
Secondary arterial
No limits of access
Minor industrial street
No limits of access
Residential collector
No limits of access
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)