(A)   Inspection of public improvements.
      (1)   Timing. The building official shall inspect the construction of improvements while in progress, as well as upon completion.
      (2)   Conformance with construction plans.
         (a)   Construction shall be in accordance with the approved construction plans.
         (b)   Any significant change in design required during construction shall be made by the applicant’s engineer and shall be subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator.
      (3)   Corrections to improvements. If the Zoning Administrator finds, upon inspection, that any of the required public improvements have not been constructed properly and in accordance with the approved construction plans, then the applicant shall be responsible for completing and/or correcting the public improvements to being such into compliance.
   (B)   Submission of recorded drawings.
      (1)   Certification. The town shall not accept dedication of required public improvements until the applicant’s engineer has certified to the town, through submission of detailed record drawings of the project and filed copies of any off-site easements that the public improvements have been built in accordance with the approved construction plans.
      (2)   Acceptance and recordation of public improvements.
         (a)   The town shall not accept improvements until the final plat is approved by the town and recorded at the county.
         (b)   Each record drawing sheet shall show all changes made in the construction plans during construction and on each sheet, there shall be a “record” stamp bearing the signature of the engineer and date.
         (c)   Detailed requirements for such drawings are available from the building official.
      (3)   Digital files. Digital files of all the record drawings shall be submitted by the applicant and received by the town.
   (C)   Acceptance or rejection of improvements.
      (1)   Responsible official. The building official shall be responsible for inspecting all required public improvements shown in the construction plans and for accepting completed subdivision improvements intended for dedication to the town.
      (2)   Final inspection. After completion of all improvements, franchise utilities, grading, and erosion control the building official and other designated representatives (as applicable) will perform a final inspection before recommending acceptance of the public improvements.
      (3)   Letter of final acceptance. If all improvements are completed, inspected, tested (if applicable) and determined by the town to be in conformance with this chapter, town standards and specifications, and construction plans, then the building official shall issue a letter of final acceptance to the applicant, thereby notifying the applicant of the town’s intended acceptance contingent on the approval of the final plat.
      (4)   Meaning of acceptance. Acceptance of the improvements shall mean that the applicant has transferred all rights to all the public improvements to the town for title, use and maintenance.
      (5)   Rejection. The building official shall reject those improvements that fail to comply with the construction plans and town’s standards and specifications. The town shall enforce the guarantee provided by the maintenance bond(s).
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)