(A)   Purpose. The purpose of construction plans is to ensure that mandatory public improvements be installed to serve a development in accordance with all the subdivision ordinance standards, including all standards within the town code of ordinances.
   (B)   Submitting plans. Plans shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements provided in the application. Incomplete construction plans shall not be accepted, and such plans shall be returned to the applicant. Construction plans shall be prepared by a professional engineer and must be approved in accordance with this chapter prior to the approval and/or recordation of the final plat.
      (1)   Review and approval action. The building official shall be the responsible official for review and approval of construction plans.
      (2)   Decision-making options. The building official shall approve, approve subject to modifications, or deny construction plans.
   (C)   Criteria for approval.
      (1)   The building official shall approve construction plans if:
         (a)   The plans are consistent with the approved preliminary plat; and
         (b)   The plans conform to the subject property’s zoning standards and to the standards for adequate public facilities, contained in this chapter and all other applicable town ordinances.
      (2)   The approval of construction plans shall remain in effect for a period of six months from the date of approval, or for the duration of construction of the project, provided that progress towards completion of the project continues to be demonstrated, unless construction plans are extended in accordance with the following division (D) of this section.
   (D)   Extension of construction plans. Construction plans may be extended for a period of six additional months beyond the expiration date. A request must be made in writing to the building official for such extension prior to expiration of the plans and shall include reasons why the plans should be extended.
      (1)   Decision by the building official.
         (a)   The building official will review the extension request, and shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the extension request within 30 calendar days following the official filing date.
         (b)   Should the building official fail to act on an extension request within 30 calendar days, the extension shall be deemed to be approved.
      (2)   Extension criteria.
         (a)   The building official shall extend construction plans approval for a period of six additional months beyond the plans’ expiration date if:
            1.   The construction plans comply with new ordinances that impact the health, safety and general welfare of the town; and
            2.   Demonstrable progress towards completion has been made to proceed with construction or required improvements.
      (3)   Conditions. In granting an extension, the building official may impose such conditions as are needed to ensure that the land will be developed in a timely fashion and that the public interest is served. Any extension may be predicated upon compliance with new development regulations and/or the applicant waiving any vested rights.
   (E)   Construction release. Upon approval of the preliminary plat and the construction plans, receipt of all documentation (e.g., insurance information, bonds and the like) and fees required, the building official shall release the plans for construction if all town requirements pertaining to construction have been met. Expiration, and possible extension, of the construction release shall be the same as for the construction plans.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)