§ 154.297 REPLATS.
   (A)   Purpose; applicability.
      (1)   Generally. A replat of all or a portion of a recorded plat may be approved without vacation of the recorded plat, if the replat meets the following criteria.
      (2)   Replat criteria.
         (a)   The replat is signed and acknowledged by the owners of the property being replatted; and
         (b)   The replat does not propose to amend or remove any covenants or restrictions previously incorporated in the recorded plat
   (B)   Partial replat application. If a replat is submitted for only a portion of a previously platted subdivision, the replat must reference the previous subdivision name and recording information and must state on the replat specific lots that are being changed along with a detailed “Purpose for Replat” statement.
   (C)   Review and approval process.
      (1)   Review action and approval action.
         (a)   Same as final plat.
         (b)   The review and approval processes for a replat shall be the same as the review and approval processes for a final plat per § 154.295.
      (2)   Responsible official. The Zoning Administrator shall be the responsible official.
   (D)   Procedures for recordation following approval; effect.
      (1)   The procedures for recordation of a replat shall be the same as the procedures for recordation of a final plat, as outlined in § 154.295(C), criteria for final plat approval and recordation.
      (2)   Upon approval and recording of the replat, it is controlling over the previously recorded plat for the portion replatted.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)