(A)   Generally. The purpose of a pre-application conference is to provide applicants an opportunity to confer early and informally with staff and present subdivision and development proposals for comments and advice on the procedures, specifications and standards required by the town. This feedback, early in the development process, can help applicants avoid major plan revisions that are more cumbersome to change after land use applications have been submitted.
      (1)   Applicants should keep in mind that, due to the preliminary nature of information discussed during pre-application conferences, town staff reserves the right to determine specific requirements after receiving official land use applications.
      (2)   Information obtained during a pre-application conference is subject to subsequent changes in zoning and other applicable regulations. A pre-application conference does not lock in any fees or development requirements in any way.
   (B)   Scheduling a pre-application conference.
      (1)   Pre-application meetings are scheduled on a first come, first served basis and should be scheduled not less than 14 days prior to the submittal of a land use development application.
      (2)   Required materials:
         (a)   Complete pre-application conference request form;
         (b)   Preliminary site-plan drawing; and
         (c)   Pre-application conference fee.
      (3)   (a)   Staff will contact applicants by telephone or email to schedule a date and time.
         (b)   Conferences will be scheduled as soon as possible following receipt of completed forms and materials.
         (c)   Please be advised that incomplete information or vague development plans may result in a delay in scheduling pre-application conference meetings.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)