All tower sites must adhere to the following requirements.
   (A)   (1)   All sites must be enclosed by a fence at least six feet in height, the nature and type to be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      (2)   The Planning and Zoning Commission may require evergreen screening where necessary to protect adjacent property owners.
   (B)   The proposed site must have an approved, all-weather, ingress/egress road and shall meet all design specifications.
   (C)   No on-site advertising will be permitted.
   (D)   The site must be continually maintained in accordance with town ordinances and permit requirements.
   (E)   Hazard warning and no trespassing signs must be posted on all sides of the fence.
   (F)   Noise levels for any combustion-fired generators or other apparatus must be less than 100 Dba as registered from the property immediately adjoining the site on the nearest side.
   (G)   A set back of at least the height of the proposed tower is required.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)