(A)   All new antennas must be erected on an existing communications tower already located in the town unless it is proven by the applicant that this requirement is ineffective, non-feasible or impossible.
   (B)   If there are not existing towers that are suitable for co-location, then an alternative is to erect a tower on public land unless it is proven by the applicant that this requirement is ineffective or not feasible.
   (C)   If co-location on an existing tower or location on public land is not effective, feasible or possible, then the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Board of Trustees may consider approval of an antenna support structure in the A, LC, HC or I-1 Zoning Districts, providing the applicant accurately addresses the following issues:
      (1)   Whether the applicant proves the tower or site will be designated or laid out to accommodate future multiple users; and
      (2)   Whether the proposed tower is to be located in an area where it would be unobtrusive and would not substantially detract from the aesthetics or neighborhood character due to either location, natural setting of the area or lack of visibility caused by natural growth or other factors.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)