The following additional regulations shall apply to all convenience stores which have gasoline pumps, vehicle repair uses and other businesses that sell gasoline or diesel fuel.
   (A)   Traffic. All traffic concerns must be adequately addressed to promote safety and reasonable traffic flow.
   (B)   Screening.
      (1)   Appropriate screening shall be provided along all lot lines abutting a residentially zoned property. Such screening shall include landscaping which incorporates a mix of shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees and shrubs.
      (2)   A berm and a solid or semi-solid fence or hedge not more than six feet high may also be included as part of the screening. All screening shall be maintained in good condition by the owner or owners of the property.
   (C)   Design. The design location, colors and screening of the gas pumps shall be such that they are compatible with the design of the building.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)