(A)   Approved location. Adult oriented businesses use shall be permitted by special use permit in districts zoned industrial as depicted on the zoning map on file with the Town Clerk.
   (B)   Separation.
      (1)   Separation from other uses.
         (a)   No adult oriented business use shall be allowed to locate, or expand to, within 1,250 feet of any residentially zoned lot, religious assembly, school, park or recreation use, or childcare center.
         (b)   This separation distance shall be measured as a straight line without regard to intervening properties or structures, from the nearest exterior wall of the adult entertainment establishment to the nearest lot line of the lot that is zoned residential or that contains the religious assembly, school, park or recreation use, or childcare center.
         (c)   No adult-oriented business use shall be allowed to locate, or expand to, within 500 feet of any business licensed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages. The separation distance shall be measured as a straight line without regard to intervening properties or structures, from the nearest exterior structural wall of each business.
      (2)   Separation from other adult oriented business use. No adult oriented business use shall be allowed to locate or expand within 1,250 feet of any other adult oriented business use.
   (C)   Access. Direct access to and from an adult oriented business use shall not be provided from a residential street, nor shall access be allowed through any private lot, private driveway or private street in a district zoned other than an industrial zoned district.
   (D)   Frontage. The property on which the adult business use is located shall have a minimum of 100 feet of street frontage.
   (E)   Screening. Appropriate screening shall be provided along all non-street facing lot lines. Such screening shall include landscaping which incorporates a mix of shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees and shrubs. A berm and a solid or semisolid fence or hedge not more than six feet high may also be included as part of the screening. All screening shall be maintained in good condition by the owner or owners of the property.
   (F)   Windows and doors. The building that the adult oriented business use is located within shall be designated in such a fashion that all openings, entries and windows prevent views into such establishments from any sidewalk, walkway, street or other public area. Further, no merchandise or pictures or products or entertainment on the premises shall be displayed in window areas or any area where such merchandise or pictures can be viewed from the sidewalk in front of the building. No adult oriented business activity shall take place partially or totally outside the building. No flashing lights and/or lighting which leaves the impression of motion or movement shall be permitted.
   (G)   Signage. Adult oriented business uses shall be limited to one wall-mounted sign no greater than one square foot of sign per linear foot of wall length, not to exceed a total of 50 square feet. Said sign shall not flash, blink or move by mechanical means and shall not extend above the roof line of the building. Signs must meet all requirements of §§ 154.195 through 154.205.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)