(A)   Signs legally in existence at the time of the adoption of this chapter, which do not conform to the requirements of this chapter, shall be considered nonconforming signs.
   (B)   All nonconforming signs, including billboards, commercial advertising structures, and statuary or supporting members shall be completely removed from premises not later than three years from the effective date of June 30, 1973.
   (C)   All permanent signs and sign structures shall be brought into conformance with the sign regulations when and if the following occurs:
      (1)   (a)   The sign is removed, relocated, or significantly altered. Significant alterations include changes in the size or dimension of the sign.
         (b)   Changes to the sign copy or the replacement of a sign face on a nonconforming sign shall not be considered a significant alteration;
      (2)   If more than 50% of the sign area is damaged, it shall be repaired to conform to this chapter;
      (3)   The sign is located within the sight triangle and obstructs the view of motorists;
      (4)   An alteration in the structure of a sign support;
      (5)   A change in the mechanical facilities or type of illumination;
      (6)   A change in the material of the sign face;
      (7)   The property on which the nonconforming sign is located submits a subdivision or land development application requiring municipal review and approval; and
      (8)   The property on which the nonconforming sign is located undergoes a change of land use requiring the issuance of either a use and occupancy permit, or a change of use and occupancy permit by the town.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)