Signs within the Downtown Mixed-Use District shall be subject to the additional following requirements.
   (A)   Wall and projection signs.
      (1)   One wall or projection sign per facade on every side of the building with exposed illumination will be permitted for each individual business.
      (2)   The outline area of each wall sign shall not exceed 25% of the wall area of the business on which the sign is attached. No sign may exceed 150 square feet in area.
      (3)   No sign shall project more than five feet above the roof line of the building. This requirement shall not apply to pre-existing legal nonconforming signs.
      (4)   Signs may project up to five feet into any portion of the right-of-way not occupied by a road surface. Signs which overhang a sidewalk shall be a minimum of eight feet above the sidewalk.
   (B)   Freestanding signs.
      (1)   Height. Multiple tenant signs shall not exceed ten feet in height, including the monument base. Individual tenant freestanding signs shall not exceed six feet in height, including the base.
      (2)   Sign area. The maximum sign area of a multiple tenant identification sign shall be 48 square feet. Individual tenant signs shall be no more than 24 square feet per side.
      (3)   Hanging signs. Shall be constructed on a single post and perpendicular bracket design. The height of the signpost shall not exceed six feet in height. The sign area shall not exceed six square feet.
   (C)   Temporary signs.
      (1)   Menu boards, sandwich boards or A-frame type signs shall be allowed for the purpose of advertising nonrecurring daily specials.
      (2)   These signs shall be removed from display each day at the close of business.
      (3)   Limited to a maximum of six square feet in area per side up to two sides to any one sign.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)