§ 154.196 DEFINITIONS.
   (A)   Generally. For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      A-FRAME SIGN. A ground sign which resembles the shape of a letter “A” in profile view. Sometimes designated as “sandwich board”, “sidewalk board” or “curb sign”.
      ABANDONED SIGN. Any sign advertising a business, use or service which has been discontinued or the premises upon which it is located have been vacated for a period of more than 90 days, which is a nonconforming sign.
      ALTERATION. Any change in copy, color, size or shape, which changes appearance of a sign, or a change in position, location, construction or supporting structure of a sign except that a copy change on a sign is not an alteration.
      ANIMATED SIGN. A sign which has any visible moving part, flashing or osculating lights, visible mechanical movement of any description, or other apparent visible movement achieved by any means that move, change, flash, osculate or visibly alters in appearance in a manner that is not permitted by these regulations.
      ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTIONS. Any projection, excluding signs, which is not intended for occupancy and which extends beyond the face of an exterior wall of a building, including, but not limited to, roof overhangs, wing walls, mansards, unenclosed exterior balconies, marquees, canopies, pilasters, fascias and awnings.
      AREA OF SIGN. The surface space of a sign, measured by its maximum projection or angle of interference with sight within a single continuous perimeter containing the sign message together with any frame, material or color forming an integral part of the display, not including support structures.
      AWNING SIGN. Any sign painted on or attached to or supported by an awning.
      BANNER, FLAG OR PENNANT. Any nonridged material used for advertising purposes attached to any structure, pole, staff, line or framing (not including official flags of officially recognized governments or religious organizations).
      CANOPY. A permanently roofed shelter covering a sidewalk, driveway or other similar area, which is supported by the building to which it is attached.
      COPY. The wording or message of a sign, including the surface upon which the wording or message is attached.
      DIGITAL. Includes any pixel based or similar technology used to display and/or change the image and/or copy on a sign by electronic, digital, LED, video or similar technology.
      ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER AND DISPLAY SCREEN. Any on premises sign or portion of a sign that uses changing lights to display an electronic image, video or text messages. The rate of change of the messages or images is electronically programmed and can be modified by electronic processes. This definition includes television screens, plasma screens, digital screens, flat screens, LED screens, video boards and holographic displays.
      ERECT. To build, construct, alter, repair, display, relocate, attach, hang, place, suspend, affix or maintain any sign, and shall also include the painting of exterior wall signs.
      FACADE. The side of a building below the eaves.
      FRONTAGE, BUILDING. The horizontal, linear dimension of that side of a building which abuts a street, a parking area, mall or other circulation area open to the general public and having either a main widow display of the enterprise or a public entrance to the building.
      FRONTAGE, STREET. The lineal frontage or frontages of a lot or parcel abutting on a private or public street which provides principal access to, or visibility of, the premises.
      HEIGHT. The vertical distance measured from the ground level to the top of a sign, inclusive of berms and embankments.
      HISTORIC WORDS OR SYMBOLS. Any sign painted, engraved or carved into a building and that no longer relates to the use or occupant of the building and has been in place for greater than 50 years.
      LOT. A portion or parcel of land, whether part of a platted subdivision or otherwise, occupied or intended to be occupied by a building or use and its accessories, together with such yards as are required under the provisions of this chapter.
      LOT STREET FRONTAGE. The length of the property line(s) or lot line(s) bordering a public road. For corner lots, each street side property line shall be a separate street frontage.
      MAINTENANCE. The replacing, repairing or repainting of a sign structure made necessary by ordinary wear and tear, weather or accident. All such work shall be performed so as to conform with all applicable code provisions.
      NONCONFORMING SIGN. A sign in noncompliance with applicable number, area, height, setback, code or specification regulations but which lawfully existed at the time of the effective date of the chapter or amendments thereto.
      OWNER. That person who owns a sign and who either owns the property on which the sign is located or is the owner of the business being conducted on the premises to which the sign pertains.
      PERSON. Any person, tenant, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, institution or organization of any kind.
      PROJECTION SIGN. A building-mounted double-sided sign with the two faces generally perpendicular to the building wall, not to include signs located on a canopy, awning or marquee.
      PROPERTY LINE. The line marking the boundary between any street and the lots or property abutting thereon as determined by the legal description of the property and the records of the Kingfisher County Clerk.
         (a)   An entrance to a building or premises which is customarily used or intended for use by the general public.
         (b)   Fire exits, special employee entrances, loading dock entrances not generally used by the public, and the like shall not be considered as public entrances.
      ROOF. The cover of any building, including the eaves and similar projections. The term ROOF LINE shall also include the highest point on any parapet wall, providing said parapet wall extends around the entire perimeter of the building.
      SETBACK. The minimum allowable horizontal distance from a given point of line of reference, such as a street right-of-way, to the nearest vertical wall or other element of a building or structure.
      SIGHT TRIANGLE. The area designated as corner visibility.
      SIGN. All or part of any object, structure or device intended to be viewed by the public for advertisement or identification of a business, location, object, person, institution, organization, product, service or event by means of including words, pictures, logos, symbols, colors, motion, illumination or projected images as part of a window sign. For purposes of removal, SIGNS shall also include all sign structures.
      SIGN STRUCTURE. Any part of a sign, including the base, supporting columns or braces, display surface or any appendage thereto.
      SITE PLAN.
         (a)   An accurately scaled development plan that illustrates the existing conditions on a land parcel as well as depicting details of a proposed development.
         (b)   Among the features generally required on a site plan are the property boundaries and lot lines, existing streets and impervious surfaces, existing buildings and other structures, major features of the landscape, proposed street and utility networks and planned access points.
   (B)   Types of signs.
      BENCH SIGNS, COURTESY. Any bench or seat placed for the convenience of the public and containing advertising matter.
      BILLBOARD OR OFF-PREMISES SIGN. A sign or advertising device which directs attention to or advertises products, services or activities unrelated to the where the sign is located.
      CANOPY SIGN. Sign attached to or constructed in or on a canopy.
      CHANGEABLE COPY SIGN (MANUAL). A sign on which copy, or sign panels may be changed manually in the field, such as boards with changeable letters or changeable pictorial panels.
      DIRECTIONAL SIGN. A sign guiding or directing vehicular or pedestrian traffic within a development. Directory signs shall not be deemed to be freestanding, ground or wall signs.
      FREESTANDING/GROUND SIGN. A sign not attached to buildings on the lot.
      GRAND OPENING SIGN. Any temporary sign which calls attention to a new business.
         (a)   A frame structure with translucent, flexible, reinforced vinyl covering designed in awning form, but whose principal purpose and use is signage.
         (b)   Such signs are internally illuminated by LED, fluorescent or other light sources in fixtures approved under national and local electrical codes.
      INSTITUTIONAL SIGN. A sign placed on premises of an institution containing the name of and/or information relating to such uses. Uses allowed: public facilities, schools, religious assembly, hospitals or government owned facilities.
      JOINT IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A sign which serves as common or collective identification for two or more commercial or industrial uses on the same lot.
      MARQUEE SIGN. A sign depicted upon, attached to or supported by a marquee (A permanently roofed structure attached to and supported by a building and projecting from the building.)
      MESSAGE CENTER SIGN. Any electronic communication display device utilizing lights, diodes or similar illumination to create letters, numerals or graphic presentations, capable of one or more of such various functions or operating modes as steady, scrolling, traveling, alternating or flashing copy.
      MENU BOARD SIGN. A sign which is designed and utilized for the purpose of disclosing the availability and cost of products sold on the premises on which it is situated, which products are delivered directly to the stall or place where the menu board is installed, or which are delivered at some point in a lane of travel in which the menu board sign is part.
      MONUMENT. Any sign, other than a pole sign, placed upon or supported by the ground independent of any other structure. MONUMENT SIGNS are typically mounted on a masonry base. As distinguished from a pole sign, the sign base of any monument sign must be a minimum of 75% or more of the width of the sign face that is to be situated on the base. If less than 75%, it is considered a pole sign.
      MULTIPLE-TENANT SIGN. An on-premises sign identifying individual businesses within a commercial building or buildings where the uses share the same lot, access and/or parking facilities or a coordinated site plan.
      MURAL. A work of graphic art painted or applied to building wall(s) which contains no advertising or logos.
      OFF-PREMISES SIGN. Any sign, including a billboard or general outdoor advertising device, which advertises or directs attention to a business, commodity, service or activity conducted, sold or offered elsewhere than on the same lot or within the same building upon which such sign is located.
      OPEN HOUSE SIGN. Any temporary sign that calls attention to a home for sale or rent, which is temporarily open to the public.
      POLE. A sign erected and maintained on one or more freestanding mast(s) or pole(s) and not attached to any building.
      POLITICAL SIGN. A sign concerning candidate for political office or involving a ballot issue.
      PORTABLE SIGN. A sign designed to be transported from one location to another and is not permanently mounted.
      PROJECTING SIGN. A sign attached to a building or extending in whole or in part 15 inches or more horizontally beyond the surface of the building to which the sign is attached and where the face of the sign is not in a plane parallel to the wall to which it is attached, but not including a “marquee sign,” as herein defined.
      REAL ESTATE SIGN. A sign indicating the availability for sale, rent or lease of the specific lot, building or portion of a building upon which the sign is erected or displayed.
      RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ENTRANCE SIGN. A sign on a gateway at the entrance of a residential complex or development denoting the name and/or address of the complex or development.
      ROOF SIGN. A sign erected upon or over the roof or parapet of any building and supported in whole or in part by the building.
      SUBDIVISION ENTRY SIGN. A sign integrated into the entrance treatment (i.e., entrance wall) with the name of the subdivision or planned unit development on one or both sides of each principal entrance. SUBDIVISION ENTRY SIGNS shall not obstruct any public right-of-way or easement.
      SUSPENDED SIGN. A sign suspended from the ceiling of an arcade, marquee, canopy or other architectural projection, as herein defined.
      TEMPORARY SIGN. A sign, banner, pennant, balloon, feather flags, tear drop flags or similar device or display which is intended for a temporary period of display for the purpose of announcing a special event or promoting a political campaign, special election or construction. Such sign may be constructed of cloth, vinyl, plastic, canvas or cardboard material, with or without a structural frame.
      TIME-TEMPERATURE-DATE SIGN. A sign which displays the time, outdoor temperature and/or date of the month.
      V-TYPE SIGN. A sign consisting of multiple sign facings placed at angles to each other, oriented in different directions and not exceeding ten feet apart at any point.
      VEHICLE-MOUNTED SIGN. A sign mounted or displayed upon a trailer, van, truck, automobile, bus, railroad car, tractor, semitrailer or other vehicle, whether or not such vehicle is in operating condition and is not currently registered and licensed to operate on public streets and not actively used as a vehicle.
      WALL/BUILDING MOUNTED SIGN. A sign attached flat to any wall of an enclosed building, where the exposed face of the sign is in a plane parallel to the plane of said wall and extends not more than 15 inches horizontally from the face of said wall. A sign erected upon or against the side of a roof having an angle of 45 degrees or less from the vertical shall be considered to be a WALL SIGN and shall be regulated as such. Also, a sign painted directly on the surface of the building.
      WINDOW SIGN. A sign, which is painted on, applied or attached to, or located within one foot of the interior of a window, which sign can be seen through the window from the exterior of the structure. Merchandise which is included in a window display shall not be included.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)