(A)   All off-street parking areas must be surfaced with a dustless, all-weather surface unless otherwise expressly stated in this article. Parking area surfacing must be completed prior to initiation of the use to be served by the parking.
   (B)   All motorized vehicles designed for travel upon public streets and that are being parked, stored or displayed for sale must be parked, stored or displayed on dustless, all-weather surface. This surfacing requirement does not apply to junk or salvage yards or to storage areas for agricultural, industrial or construction equipment. Other requests for use of alternative surfacing require approval in accordance with the special use permit procedures of § 154.040.
   (C)   Pervious pavement or pervious pavement systems, including pervious asphalt, pervious concrete, modular pavers designed to funnel water between blocks, lattice or honeycomb shaped concrete grids with turf grass or gravel filled voids to funnel water, plastic geocells with turf grass or gravel, reinforced turf grass or gravel with overlaid or embedded meshes, resin-bound pervious pavement systems, or similar structured and durable systems are allowed as parking lot surfacing materials. Gravel, turf or other materials that are not part of a structured system designed to manage stormwater are not considered pervious pavement or a pervious pavement system. Pervious pavement and pervious pavement systems must comply with the following.
      (1)   Materials must be installed and maintained in accordance with all applicable town standards. Damaged areas must be promptly repaired. Gravel that has migrated from a pervious pavement system onto adjacent areas must be regularly swept and removed.
      (2)   Accessible parking spaces and accessible routes from the accessible space to the principal structure or use served must comply with the Building Code.
      (3)   Pervious pavement or pervious pavement systems are prohibited in areas used for the dispensing of gasoline or other liquid engine fuels or where other hazardous materials are used or stored.
      (4)   Pervious asphalt, pervious concrete or modular pavers may be used for drive aisles and driveways, but no other pervious pavement systems may be used in such areas unless expressly approved by the Community Development Director.
      (5)   Pervious pavement or pervious pavement systems that utilize gravel with overlaid or embedded mesh or geocells may be used only in industrial zoning districts.
      (6)   Parking areas with pervious pavement or pervious pavement systems must have the parking spaces marked as required by this article, except that pervious pavement systems that utilize gravel or turf may use alternative marking to indicate the location of the parking space, including markings at the end of spaces on the drive aisle or curbing, wheel stops, or concrete or paver strips in lieu of painted lines.
      (7)   Vertical clearance: all parking spaces must have overhead vertical clearance of at least seven feet.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)