(A)   Fractions. When measurements of the number of required spaces result in a fractional number, any fraction shall be rounded up to the next higher whole number.
   (B)   Multiple uses. Lots containing more than one use shall provide parking and loading in an amount equal to the total of the requirements for all uses.
   (C)   Area measurements. Unless otherwise specified, all square footage-based parking and loading standards shall be computed on the basis of gross floor area of the use in question. Structured parking within a building shall not be counted in such measurement.
   (D)   Computation of off-street parking. Required off-street loading spaces shall not be included as off-street parking spaces in computation of required off-street parking spaces.
   (E)   Parking for unlisted uses. Parking requirements for uses not specifically listed in § 154.163 shall be determined by the Zoning Administrator based on the requirements for the closest comparable use, as well as on the particular parking demand and trip generation characteristics of the proposed use.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)