(A)   Generally. The off-street parking and loading standards of this section shall apply to all parking lots and parking structures accessory to any new building constructed and to any new use within town limits. The requirements of this section shall apply to all temporary parking lots and parking lots that are the principal use on a site.
   (B)   Expansions and enlargements.
      (1)   Unless otherwise expressly stated, the parking standards of this section apply whenever an existing building or use is enlarged or expanded to include additional dwelling units, floor area or other units of measurement used for establishing off-street parking requirements.
      (2)   In the case of enlargements or expansions triggering requirements for additional parking, additional off-street parking spaces are required only to serve the enlarged or expanded area, not the entire building or use. In other words, there is no requirement to address lawfully existing parking deficits.
      (3)   Additional off-street parking spaces are required only when existing development is enlarged or expanded in any way that results in more than a 10% increase in the total number of off-street parking spaces required for the development based on the standards of this chapter.
      (4)   An enlargement or expansion may trigger the need to provide or increase accessible (ADA-compliant) parking, as determined by the town.
   (C)   Change of use.
      (1)   Unless otherwise expressly stated, when the use of property changes, additional off-street vehicle must be provided to serve the new use only when the number of parking spaces required for the new use exceeds by more than 10% the number of spaces required for the lawful use that most recently occupied the building based on the standards of this chapter
      (2)   When the number of parking spaces required for the new use exceeds the number of spaces required for the use that most recently occupied the property by more than 10%, additional parking spaces are required only to make up the difference between the amount of parking required for the previous use and the amount of parking required for the new use, based on the standards of this chapter.
      (3)   A change of use may trigger the need to provide or increase accessible ADA-compliant parking, as determined by the town.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)