(A)   Landscaping plan approval. Landscape plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to the issuance of a building permit. For multi-family, commercial, and industrial developments, a landscaping plan shall be submitted with the required site plan. For single-family, two-family and mobile home developments, the location of proposed landscape development shall be shown on the preliminary plat followed by a landscape plan submitted with the final plat. Upon receipt of a landscape plan, the Zoning Administrator shall:
      (1)   Approve the landscape plan as complying with the requirements of this chapter;
      (2)   Approve the landscape plan with conditions that bring it into compliance with the requirements of this chapter;
      (3)   Reject the landscape plan as failing to comply with the requirements of this chapter; or
      (4)   Waive the landscape requirement if it is determined that a suitable location for landscape development is not available.
   (B)   Landscaping plan content. All landscaping plans shall include the following information:
      (1)   North arrow and scale;
      (2)   The location of existing property lines and dimensions of the tract, accurately drawn to scale;
      (3)   Exact locations and outline of all rights-of-way;
      (4)   The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings, and parking areas, including the exact number of parking spaces provided;
      (5)   The location and size of any permanent fixture or structure including, but not limited to, sidewalks, walls, fences, trash enclosures, project storage, lighting fixtures, signs and benches, which are relevant to the landscape plan;
      (6)   The location, size and type of all above-ground and underground public utilities with notation, where appropriate, as to any safety hazards to avoid during installation. Alternatively, a letter of no objection provided by the utility company may be provided;
      (7)   The location, size, type, species, spacing (on center), and quantity of all proposed plant materials and existing plant materials credited for points shall be graphically represented and referenced on the plan by a common name and/or scientific name, or an appropriate key of all plant species;
      (8)   Indicate the method of irrigation on plans and define the area of coverage. If an automatic irrigation system is not proposed, the location of all required hose connections and other watering sources shall be noted; and
      (9)   All screening required by this code.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)