(A)   All fences, unless prohibited elsewhere in this article, shall be constructed or maintained with wire or metal fabric material (chain-link), wood, brick, stone, concrete, vinyl, ornamental iron or other approved materials as approved by the code official. Fence posts shall be constructed or made of metal, brick, stone, concrete, fiberglass or other material approved by the code official. All fence posts must be placed at a depth of at least 24 inches into the ground filled and anchored with concrete footers or encasement.
   (B)   Fencing in commercial and industrial districts behind the front building line shall be constructed of the primary masonry materials of the building, wrought iron, chain-link, living plant material or other materials as approved by the code official.
   (C)   All fences shall be set back a minimum for five feet from the front of a structure. In the event that district-specific fence regulations duly adopted by the Town Board of Trustees conflict with this section, those district specific regulations will control.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)