Only fences as part of an agricultural or farming or ranching related activities erected, maintained or permitted shall be electrically charged in any manner or form. The exclusion includes, but is not limited to, fences electrically charged by battery or those tied in with the regular electrical outlet.
   (A)   No fence erected, maintained or permitted shall be made with barbed wire unless as part of an agricultural or farming or ranching related activities.
   (B)   No fence erected, maintained or permitted shall be made with concertina wire, razor wire or anything capable of causing significant harm to the general public.
   (C)   Any barbed wire portion of a fence for a commercial application must be on that portion of the fence over six feet in height. The barbed arms shall not extend over public rights-of-way or easements or over private property of another person. When adjoining property is zoned or used for residential purposes or public rights-of-way, barbed arms shall extend inward.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)