§ 154.096 EXEMPTIONS.
   (A)   Generally. All exterior lighting for any type of residential or nonresidential development shall comply with the standards of this chapter unless exempted in division (B) of this section.
   (B)   Exemptions. The following types of lighting are exempt from the requirements of this chapter:
      (1)   Outdoor lighting associated with single-family residential dwellings or duplex development projects;
      (2)   Outdoor lighting used for public streets and right-of-way lighting;
      (3)   Public utility companies when working on public utility lighting for public utility purposes in utility easements;
      (4)   Outdoor lighting used for public or private recreational activities, sporting events at stadiums and ball fields, concerts, plays or other outdoor events that are public or private; and
      (5)   Outdoor lighting used for temporary decorative seasonal lighting or other temporary events.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)