(A)   Transitional Mixed-Use District (MU-1). The intent of MU-1 District is to provide for and encourage development and redevelopment with mix of uses that are compatible with and can coexist with and support residential uses. The MU-1 shall only be allowed between existing residential and commercial or the Downtown Mixed-Use Districts.
   (B)   Downtown Mixed-use District (DM). The intent of DM District is to provide for and encourage development and redevelopment that preserves and enhances the unique character and vitality of the town’s central business district. This District defines the downtown area with the intent to concentrate and target infill and redevelopment into the core of the community. Design standards respect the agricultural history of the community while focusing on creating a human-scaled, pedestrian-oriented walkable and bikeable downtown. Continuous retail frontages, largely uninterrupted by driveways and parking, are encouraged.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)