(A) Restricted Industrial District (I-1).
(1) The I-1 Restricted Industrial District is intended primarily for manufacturing and assembly plants and warehousing that are conducted so that the noise, odor, dust, and glare of each operation is completely confined within an enclosed building.
(2) These industries may require direct access to rail, air or street transportation facilities; however, the size and volume of the raw materials and finished products involved should not produce the volume of freight generated by the uses of the General Industrial District. Buildings in this district should be architecturally attractive and surrounded by landscaped yards.
(B) General Industrial District (I-2).
(1) The I-2 General Industrial District is intended to provide for heavy industrial development of a potentially noxious nature, including heavy manufacturing, storage, major freight terminals, waste and salvage, resource extraction, processing and other related uses.
(2) The intent is to preserve this land especially for industry in locations with access to major streets as designated on the comprehensive plan map, as well as locations generally accessible to railroad transportation. Because of the objectionable influences that may be created in this district, a buffer or additional setback strip is necessary around this district to protect other zoning districts, except the I-1 Light Industrial District.
(Ord. 382, passed 7-8-2021)