(A)   General. Upon approval of the zoning and the master development plan, application may be filed for a preliminary plan and preliminary plat review. Materials pertaining to the preliminary plan and plat must all be submitted to the Planning Commission by the administratively designated deadline at least two weeks prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission at which time the preliminary plan and plat will be considered. Application for preliminary plat and preliminary site development plan approval shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees to defray the cost of administrative review and investigation. After the Planning Commission has received the preliminary plan and plat application in the form herein required, the matter will be placed on the agenda for the appropriate meeting of the Planning Commission.
   (B)   Preliminary plans. Contents of the preliminary plans, in addition to the requirements of the town’s subdivision regulations for preliminary plats, the following shall be submitted either on the preliminary plat or on separate plan sheets to the same scale:
      (1)   The existing site conditions including contours at two-foot intervals; all watercourses; 50- year and 100-year floodplains; unique natural features and vegetative cover, including all existing trees;
      (2)   The tentative location and floor area of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and other improvements, including maximum heights, types of dwelling units, density per type and nonresidential structures including commercial and industrial facilities;
      (3)   Preliminary architectural elevations of the proposed improvements sufficient to relay the basic architectural intent;
      (4)   The general drainage system including the number of acres in each drainage area and proposed coverage of buildings and structures for the purpose of calculating storm drainage run-offs and storm drainage retention requirements;
      (5)   The location and size in acres or square feet of all areas to be conveyed, dedicated, reserved or otherwise used as common open space, public park, recreational areas, school sites and similar public and semi-public uses;
      (6)   The existing and proposed circulation system of arterial, collector and local streets, including off-street parking areas, service areas, loading zones and major points of access to public rights-of-way (including major points of ingress and egress to the development). Notations of proposed ownership, public or private, should be included where appropriate. Right-of-way and paved surfaces for each street shall be shown in accordance with the minimum design standards outlined in this chapter and the current EMA transportation plan. The existing and proposed pedestrian circulation system, including its interrelationships with the vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict;
      (7)   The existing and proposed utility systems, including sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water, fire hydrants and trash collection areas;
      (8)   A general landscaping plan indicating the treatment of materials used for private and common open spaces. The details of size and species for intended plantings of vegetation will be required at the final plan phase;
      (9)   A map of the area which surrounds the site within a distance of at least 300 feet, showing surrounding land uses, zoning classifications, densities, circulation systems and public facilities;
      (10)   The proposed treatment of the perimeter of the PUD, including materials and techniques used for screening such as fencing, walls and other landscaping; and
      (11)   Street cross-section schematics shall be submitted for each general category of street to be included within the proposed development (one of local, sub-collector, collector streets) to include proposed width, treatment of curbs and gutters, sidewalk systems and bikeway systems. Street designs must be consistent with the minimum street standards contained in this chapter.
   (C)   Public hearing and Planning Commission action.
      (1)   The Planning Commission upon the filing of an application for preliminary plan and preliminary plat approval shall set the matter for public hearing.
      (2)   The Planning Commission shall conduct the public hearing and shall determine:
         (a)   Whether the preliminary plans and preliminary plat are consistent with the master development plan;
         (b)   Whether the final site development plan and final plat are a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site; and
         (c)   Whether the final site development plan and final plat are consistent with the stated purposes and standards of this chapter.
      (3)   Upon approval by the Planning Commission, the applicant shall be authorized to process a final site development plan and final plat incorporating the provisions of the preliminary site plan and preliminary plat.
(Ord. 364, passed 3-13-2017)