(A)   General. Any person, corporation, partnership, association or combination thereof, owning or possessing a property right or interest in a tract of land may make application for the supplemental district designation PUD. Such application shall be accompanied by a master development plan. An application for the supplemental district designation PUD may be processed simultaneously with an application for an amendment to the underlying general zoning district(s) and made contingent upon approval of said application.
   (B)   Application and master development plan.
      (1)   An application for a PUD shall be filed with the Planning Commission. The application shall be accompanied by a fee in accordance with the following fee schedule to defray the cost of the public notice and investigation,as set forth in the Appendix of Fines and Fees.
      (2)   Three copies of the master development plan showing the major details of the proposed development at a scale of not less than one inch equals 200 feet, shall accompany the filing of the application. The master development plan shall consist of maps and text which contain:
         (a)   A site plan reflecting:
            1.   Proposed location and approximate size in acres or square feet of all uses, including off-street parking and building areas in commercial and industrial PUDs or portions of PUDs, open spaces and public uses;
            2.   General development standards for location, height, setback and size of buildings and other structures;
            3.   General design standards for all proposed designs;
            4.   General development standards for proposed landscaping;
            5.   Public and private vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems including major points of access to public rights-of-way;
            6.   Existing and proposed land use intensity designation, density of proposed dwelling units by type, and proposed floor area ratios of commercial structures;
            7.   The relationship to adjoining uses and properties including adjacent land uses, zoning, densities, circulation systems, public utilities and facilities and drainage areas; and
            8.   The existing topography, all floodplain areas, all drainage areas in acres, treed areas, and slope and general soil classifications.
         (b)   A written explanation of the character of the PUD:
            1.   A legal description of the PUD;
            2.   A list of all owners and developers of the PUD;
            3.   Title of the PUD and a description of the PUD concept;
            4.   Proposed sequence and schedule of development;
            5.   Statement of improvements to be made to the major transportation system and major utility systems;
            6.   Statement of applicant’s intention to future ownership of all or portions of the PUD; and
            7.   Proposed restrictions and covenants which will govern the use and continued maintenance of the development.
   (C)   Project phasing. All information and data required at the master development plan stage must include the entire PUD site. Applications for preliminary plans and plats may be made for any portion of the overall master development plan. Requirements may be made for off-site public improvements on a phased project.
   (D)   Public hearing and Planning Commission action. The Planning Commission, upon filing of an application for the supplemental district designation PUD shall set the matter for public hearing in accordance with the regular procedures for zoning applications. Within 60 days after the filing of an application, the Planning Commission shall conduct the public hearing and shall determine:
      (1)   Whether the PUD is consistent with the comprehensive plan;
      (2)   Whether the PUD harmonizes with the existing and expected development of surrounding areas;
      (3)   Whether the PUD is a unified treatment of the development possibilities of the project site; and
      (4)   Whether the PUD is consistent with the stated purposes of the standards of this chapter.
The Planning Commission shall forward its recommendations, the application and the master development plan to the Town Board of Trustees for further hearing.
   (E)   Town Board of Trustees’ action. Upon receipt of the application, master development plan and Planning Commission recommendation, the Town Board of Trustees shall hold a hearing, review the master development plan and approve, disapprove, modify or return the master development plan to the Planning Commission for further consideration. Upon approval, the zoning map shall be amended to reflect the supplemental designation PUD, and the applicant shall be authorized to process a preliminary plat and preliminary site development plan incorporating the provisions of the master development plan.
(Ord. 364, passed 3-13-2017)