In commercial, office, education, medical, industrial and other types of nonresidential PUDs, the permitted uses are the same as those for the district or districts in which the PUD is located subject to the following limitations.
   (A)   Ground signs. For the purposes of this chapter, GROUND SIGN shall mean any sign which is attached to, or a part of a completely self-supporting structure. The supporting structure is not attached to any building or any other structure and is anchored firmly to, or below, the ground surface.
      (1)   No ground sign shall be located within 150 feet of any residential area, either within or abutting the PUD, unless separated by an arterial street.
      (2)   Any ground sign shall maintain a minimum separation of 100 feet from any other ground sign.
      (3)   Ground signs shall not exceed 25 feet in height, measured from the mean curb level of the lot upon which it is erected, except a sign when located behind the building setback line may exceed 25 feet but shall not exceed 40 feet in height.
   (B)   Signs-display surface area.
      (1)   The aggregate display surface area for wall or canopy signs shall not exceed two square feet per each lineal foot of the building wall to which the sign or signs are fixed.
      (2)   In addition to the wall or canopy signs permitted above, a lot containing one or more business establishments may utilize for business signs an aggregate display surface area of ground signs as follows.
      (3)   If not more than one ground sign is erected, one square foot of display surface area per each lineal foot of street frontage, provided that only arterial street frontage shall be used in the computation of display surface area for lots that abut more than one street. If more than one ground sign is erected, five-tenths square foot of display surface area per lineal foot of street frontage, provided that only arterial street frontage shall be used in the computation of display surface area for lots that abut more than one street.
      (4)   In addition to the wall or canopy signs permitted in division (B)(1) of this section, and in addition to the business ground signs permitted in division (B)(2) of this section, a lot containing four or more business establishments may erect one ground sign for each arterial street frontage identifying the commercial or industrial complex and individual tenants therein, not exceeding in the aggregate display area one square foot per four feet of lineal arterial street frontage.
   (C)   Parking.
      (1)   All unenclosed parking lots within nonresidential PUDs or nonresidential portions of PUDs containing more than ten spaces must have a minimum ten-foot landscaped strip adjacent to their perimeters with shade trees planted in the amount equivalent to one shade tree for every 35 feet of perimeter lineal footage. On perimeters adjacent to residentially zoned land, the landscaped strip shall contain 75% opaque screening which shall include a solid wall, fence or compact evergreen hedge not less than four feet in height.
      (2)   In addition to the requirements specified in division (C)(1) of this section, unenclosed parking lots with more than 20 spaces shall have a minimum of 2% of the interior surface area landscaped and shall have a permanent underground watering system.
(Ord. 364, passed 3-13-2017)