(A)   Overlay district.
      (1)   The PUD is an overlay district. The underlying zoning and land use plan designations on the property shall continue to establish residential densities, and amount and type of commercial and industrial land uses. The overlay provision permits these uses and densities to be transferred or relocated within the PUD in accordance with this chapter and the approved master development plan.
      (2)   When a PUD is located within two or more of the following differing general classifications, each shall be separately calculated and allocated with the PUD by said general classification:
         (a)   Residential;
         (b)   Office;
         (c)   Commercial; and
         (d)   Industrial.
   (B)   Increasing intensity of use or density. Where a parcel does not possess adequate zoning already in place to permit the desired PUD, the property owners shall include with the PUD request, an application for rezoning to the proper categories. This may be approved as part of the PUD approval process.
   (C)   Time limit. Construction shall be started within one year of the effective date of approval of the subdivision final plat for all or a portion of the PUD. Failure to begin the development within said one year shall automatically void the development plan within said one year and the Board of Trustees may vacate the plat. The developer shall be notified, in writing, of the expiration date by the office of the building official. Action shall be taken by the Planning Commission and the Board of Trustees to amend the zoning map to repeal the PUD designation and the land shall remain in the same zoning classification which existed immediately preceding the approval of the PUD.
   (D)   Platting required. No modification of the use or bulk or area requirements of the applicable underlying use district shall be permitted unless a subdivision plat incorporating the provisions and requirements of this chapter is submitted and approved in accordance with the subdivision regulations and shall further include such covenants as will reasonably assure the continued compliance with the approved master development plan.
(Ord. 364, passed 3-13-2017)