(A)   Any development resulting in a new or substantially improved structure or addition requires submission of one or more elevation certificates.
   (B)   Elevation certificates must be completed on the forms authorized and published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and must bear the seal of an appropriate design professional. Elevation certificates must be completed using a datum matching the datum used in the adopted flood insurance study. Base flood elevations noted on submitted elevation certificates must be based on the best available data and are subject to review and approval by the Floodplain Administrator.
   (C)   For any new or substantially improved structure or addition thereto other than an accessory structure, an elevation certificate showing the proposed elevations of the lowest finished floor and highest adjacent grade for the proposed structure must be submitted with the application for a floodplain development permit (“design elevation certificate”). Before a new or substantially improved structure or addition may be occupied, an elevation certificate based on as-built conditions must be submitted to the Floodplain Administrator (“as-built elevation certificate”). It is recommended that an additional elevation certificate be completed and submitted after finished grade is established and foundation forms have been set in order to verify that the lowest finished floor elevation will conform to that submitted on the design elevation certificate (pre-construction elevation certificate). For accessory structures, only an as-built elevation certificate is required to be completed and submitted.
(Ord. 381, passed 8-12-2021)