(A)   Any applicant shall submit a written application on a form provided by town for a mobile food vending license containing the following information:
      (1)   Name, address and contact information for applicant;
      (2)   Duration of license request (either daily or annual) and date(s) of proposed operation;
      (3)   Vehicle(s) description and tag(s) number for mobile food vehicle;
      (4)   Location of proposed use;
      (5)   Nature of the food and/or beverages to be sold;
      (6)   Certification that the applicant has not been denied a license to operate as a mobile food vendor in any community;
      (7)   Certification that the applicant has not previously had a mobile food vending license revoked or suspended in any community;
      (8)   A copy of the applicant’s state sales tax permit;
      (9)   A copy of the applicant’s state health permit; and
      (10)   Any additional information required by the town.
   (B)   The town shall issue a mobile food vending license to the applicant upon receipt of a complete application satisfactory to the town.
(Ord. 385, passed - -2023)