For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALCOHOL. Includes hydrated oxide of ethyl, ethyl alcohol, ethanol or spirits of wine, from whatever source or by whatever process produced. It does not include wood alcohol or alcohol which has been denatured or produced as denatured in accordance with acts of congress and relations promulgated thereunder.
   ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. Alcohol, spirits, beer and wine as those terms are defined herein and also includes mixed beverages, as defined herein, as well as every liquid or solid, patented or not, containing alcohol, spirits, wine or beer and capable of being consumed as a beverage by human beings.
   BEER. Any beverage containing more than 3.2% of alcohol by weight and obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of an infusion or decoction of barley, or other grain, malt or similar products. BEER may or may not contain hops or other vegetable products. BEER includes, among other things, beer, stout, lager beer, porter and other malt or brewed liquors, but does not include sake, known as Japanese rice wine.
   MIXED BEVERAGE. A serving of a beverage composed in whole or in part of an alcoholic beverage in a sealed or unsealed container.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, fiduciary, partnership, corporation, trust or association, however formed.
   PREMISES. The grounds and all buildings and appurtenances pertaining to the grounds including any adjacent premises under the direct or indirect control of a person.
   PROOF OF AGE. A driver’s license, license for identification only or other generally accepted means of identification that describes the individual as 21 years of age or older and contains a photograph or other likeness of the individual and appears on its face to be valid.
   SPIRITS. Any beverage other than wine or beer which contains more than 0.5% alcohol measured by volume and obtained by distillation, whether or not mixed with other substances in solution, and includes those products known as whiskey, brandy, rum, gin, vodka, liqueurs, cordials, and fortified wines and similar compounds; but shall not include any alcohol liquid completely denatured in accordance with the acts of congress and regulations pursuant thereto.
   WINE. Includes any beverage containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume and not more than 24% alcohol by volume at 60F obtained by the fermentation of the natural contents of fruits, vegetables, honey, milk or other products containing sugar, whether or not other ingredients are added, and includes vermouth and sake, known as Japanese rice wine.
(Prior Code, § 3-2D-1) (Ord. 289, passed 3-6-1997)