(A)   Employment of persons under 21. It is unlawful for any owner, manager or operator of a place where low point beer is sold for consumption on the premises, except an eating place where the service of such beverages is incidental to the main business of serving food, to employ a person under 21 years of age to work in such place.
   (B)   Loitering, drinking, working by persons under 21. It is unlawful for the owner, manager, operator or person in charge of such a place to permit a person under 21 years of age to resort to or loiter in such place or to drink such beverages therein, or to sell or otherwise furnish such beverage to a person under 21 years old, or to permit a person under 21 years of age to work in such place.
   (C)   Conduct of persons under 21. It is also unlawful for a person under 21 years of age to resort to or loiter in such a place, to buy or otherwise secure such beverage therein, or to drink such beverage therein.
   (D)   Intoxicated persons. It is unlawful for the owner, manager or operator of such a place to sell or otherwise furnish such beverages to an intoxicated person or to permit an intoxicated person to remain or loiter therein.
   (E)   Gambling; disorderly conduct. It is unlawful for the owner, manager or operator of such a place to permit therein gambling, betting, operation of a lottery, sale, furnishing or drinking of intoxicating liquor, disorderly conduct, loud or disturbing language, noise or music, profane language, or any other violation of the laws of the state or of the ordinances of the town.
   (F)   Hours of operation. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell low point beer for consumption on the premises between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., or any day excepting Saturday nights, when such beverages may not be sold between the hours of 2:00 a.m. Sunday and 7:00 a.m. on the following Monday.
   (G)   Contests of physical strength. It is unlawful for the owner, manager or operator of such a place to permit therein fighting, boxing, wrestling or other contests of physical strength.
(Prior Code, § 3-2C-4) Penalty, see § 111.99